Fly Like a Flea, Sink Like a Stone
​Guy Corriero - Michelle Segre
February 6 - April 5, 2025
To make an apple pie, you need wheat, apples, a pinch of this and that, and the heat of the oven. The ingredients are made of molecules—sugar, say, or water. The molecules, in turn, are made of atoms—where do these atoms come from? Except for hydrogen, they are all made in stars. A star is a kind of cosmic kitchen inside which atoms of hydrogen are cooked into heavier atoms. But the hydrogen was made in the Big Bang, the explosion that began the Cosmos. If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
-Carl Sagan
Springs Projects is pleased to announce the opening of Fly Like a Flea, Sink Like a Stone a two person exhibition featuring the work of Guy Corriero and Michelle Segre. In the exhibition Corriero and Segre present a delicate trace of being that seems to float throughout the space, untethered, evoking a sense of freedom and ease. It is the effortless, the fleeting, the way moments dissolve before they can be fully grasped. On the other hand, the artists ground us, an undeniable presence demanding both effort and engagement - the imprint of permanence, the pull of the earth, where every action ripples with resistance, and every thought lingers longer than it should. Together, Corriero and Segre mark the range of existence, from the lift of an idea to the weight of consequence, from the free fall of dreams to the slow, inevitable pull toward the known.